Good Luck to all the teams participating in the 2016 Empire Softball Summer League Playoffs!
All Empire Softball Playoff match-ups are a best-of-three series, with the higher seeded team being awarded with home field advantage in games 1 and 3. Softballs will be provided by the scorekeeper. There will be two umpires for all Championship Series, and teams are responsible for the additional umpire fees.
We are committed to ensuring a playoff series that is fair to all teams. For players to be eligible to participate in any playoff game, they must have played a minimum of 8 games during the regular season, at least one of which was prior to the roster freeze. Credit for games played was given to players that were on the team roster at the time of a forfeit, as well as for any game that was rained out and not made up.
Please check the eligible roster of all playoff teams below. All players are required to carry their ID at all games, and be willing to present it upon request. Any ineligible player that participates, or refuses to furnish ID at the field, will result in the forfeit of that game for their team. It is the responsibility of the team manager to ensure that everyone playing in a playoff game is eligible to do so.